Pyre magic rush download
Pyre magic rush download

pyre magic rush download

Great for putting distance between Flynn and an enemy.Flynn slams into the enemy followed by a massive slam from his shield, knocking the enemy away with energy in the form of a lion's head.In Overlimit, five shockwaves are released and in Overlimit 2, seven shockwaves are released.Flynn swings his sword three times, creating three shockwave projectiles.Hits the area 45% of the screen's length away (if on the ground).Flynn jumps into the air and fires a ball of fire at the ground.Flynn quickly stabs the enemy six times.Flynn slashes at the enemy, followed by another slash, putting both Flynn and the enemy in the air.

pyre magic rush download

Flynn moves 75% of the screen's length.Flynn jumps into the air and plunges towards the enemy with his sword.The second hit will not occur if the first does not hit.Flynn slashes the enemy and makes a pillar of light fall from above and hit the enemy.Good for traveling towards an enemy during a combo or to catch them off guard.Flynn moves forward 40% of the screen's length.Pressing A at the end of the arte will add another hit.Flynn slashes the enemy into the air, and back to the ground.Both the swing and the shockwave deal damage.Flynn swings his sword, producing a shockwave projectile.Melee > Altered > Arcane > Base > Burst > MysticĪCS Flynn Scifo Arte Exhibition (v.5.505b) COMPLETEįlynn Scifo's Arte Exhibition by Kratos1991.Melee > Base > Arcane > Altered > Burst > Mystic.Flynn's overlimit allows him to ignore his Chain Order, decreases Cast Time, adds hits and fills requirements for certain artes.Flynn's Overlimit shockwave knocks the enemy away diagonally.They can only be chained together through the command A > A > B (not A > B > C).Flynn has three basic ground attacks (A, B & C).Flynn is capable of performing a Double Jumping after a High Jump.Flynn's Backward Leap is the same as his Back Step and his Forward Leap is the same as his Forward Jump.Flynn can perform most basic Movement skills.Generally, Flynn has moderate movement speed, dash length, jump heights and damage output.Sprited by Tales Series Forum members Royal_Blade and Radixan_.When fighting Yuri Lowell, Judith, or Alexei Dinoia, the two will converse before fighting.4.3 Instant Kill Combo (No Repeated Artes).

Pyre magic rush download